Kecoh tentang artis yang sakan bercuti ke luar negara, sedangkan sekarang ini musim penularan wabak Covid-19. Tercalit dengan kecaman netizen, Liyana Jasmay dan kawan baiknya Intan Lidyana terpaksa membatalkan penggambaaran program travelog ‘Glamper Girls’ di Australia dan pulang lebih awal daripada sepatutnya dan melakukan kuarantin sendiri selama 14 hari di rumahnya.


“Big up to @airasia for arranging the change of flights for us. We were supposed to fly back to Malaysia on the 23rd March but amidst the coronavirus scare, we decided to cancel some locations, shorten our shoot time and come home early.

The timing was perfect as we arrived early morning on the 18th, right on the dot of the restricted movement order by the Malaysian government. We will be doing self quarantine for 14 days as instructed to look out for symptoms (if any) and are so happy to be back and rest at home.

Thank you to all of the doctors, nurses and frontliners who are working tirelessly in the face of the pandemic and we promise to do our best in helping you by staying put in our homes. Don’t forget to wash your hands everyone”


Liyana Jasmay Batalkan Percutian Dan Pulang Awal, Gara-gara Covid-19

MW: Patuhilah apa yang telah kerajaan lakukan dalam Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan selama 14 hari. Bukannya lama..semua ini demi untuk kesihatan diri dan keluarga tersayang.

Baca sini : Pertama kali China tiada kes jangkitan baru, hantar bantuan ke Malaysia.

Sumber: IG Liyana Jasmay


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